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Il mercato P/C canadese stabile secondo Moody’s

The outlook for the Canadian property and casualty (P/C) industry is stable, driven by good demand, strong underwriting discipline and solid balance sheets, says...

Report Geneva Association: il mercato cyber ostacolato dalle sfide sull’assicurablità

While insurance against cyber risk represents a tremendous new business for the insurance industry, numerous problems with the insurability currently impede the development of...

I segreti commerciali di ThyssenKrupp bersaglio di attacco cyber

Technical trade secrets were stolen from the steel production and manufacturing plant design divisions of ThyssenKrupp AG in cyber attacks earlier this year, the...

Perils: i danni assicurati stimati per il terremoto di ottobre in Italia a 31...

The initial estimate of the property insurance market loss from the series of earthquakes that hit central Italy in October is €31 million ($33.3...

I rischi crescenti potrebbero costare alle città globali $1.17 trilioni del PIL nel...

The costs of major shocks to the global economy from natural and manmade threats could put at risk $1.17 trillion of the total projected...

Hackers rubano $31 mln dalla Central Bank russa

Hackers stole more than 2 billion roubles ($31 million) from correspondent accounts at the Russian central bank, the bank said on Friday , in...

Allianz: cosa devono sapere i governi sulla gestione delle responsabilità D&O

Company directors and senior managers across the globe are increasingly likely to face costly regulatory investigations, criminal prosecutions or civil litigation, which not only...

Aon vuole comprare Admix, broker brasiliano

Aon announced it has entered into an agreement to acquire Admix, a leading health and benefits brokerage and solutions firm in Brazil.Financial terms of...

Marsh: la maggior parte delle organizzazioni non è preparata adeguatamente per gli attacchi cyber

No company is fully secure from cyber breaches, no matter how sophisticated its cyber defense mechanisms, which is why every company should develop a...

Insurtech diventa parte del tradizionale mondo assicurativo: S&P

Insurtech has a complementary place in the traditional insurance world, despite remaining uncertainty in the industry about how it will function on a wide...

Allstate paga $1.4 mld per SquareTrade

The Allstate Corp. agreed to acquire SquareTrade, a consumer electronics and appliance protection plan provider that distributes through many of America’s major retailers. Allstate...

AIG potrebbe spostare la sede da Londra in un altro paese UE con la...

U.S. insurer AIG may move its European headquarters from London to another European Union country because of Britain’s vote to leave the EU, the...

AIR Worldwide: i danni assicurati per il terremoto in Nuova Zelanda potrebbero raggiungere i...

Catastrophe modeling firm AIR Worldwide released its initial estimates of industry insured losses from the earthquake that struck New Zealand’s South Island early this...

Zurich ridurrà i costi di 1,5 mld $

Zurich Insurance Group AG plans to cut costs by $1.5 billion from 2015 through 2019 as Chief Executive Officer Mario Greco overhauls Switzerland’s largest...

RSA ristruttura il business commerciale in UK

London-based RSA has announced changes to its commercial lines operation with the creation of two new divisions, as well as the appointment of a...

Toyota accetta di pagare $3.4 mld per class action negli USA

Toyota Motor Corp. has agreed to a settlement of up to $3.4 billion for a federal class action brought by U.S. owners of pickup...

Fitch: l’impatto delle elezioni sul mercato assicurativo malattia

The election that saw Donald Trump win the presidency and the Republican Party retain control of both houses of congress will significantly increase the...

L’uragano Matthew potrebbe costare all’economia $15 mld secondo Aon Benfield

Hurricane Matthew, which swept through parts of the Caribbean and United States, had total economic losses of up to US$15 billion, according to Impact...

Tesco: sono stati sottratti $3 mln da 9.000 clienti nel recente attacco cyber

Retailer Tesco Plc’s banking arm said on Tuesday that 2.5 million pounds ($3 million) had been stolen from 9,000 customers over the weekend in...

La tariffazione per i veicoli autonomi

“This is a new world for insurers. The industry will need a whole new set of data tools to deal with this.”So says Michael...

Cyber Criminali rubano denaro da 20.000 clienti di Tesco Bank

Tesco Bank, the lending arm of the U.K.’s biggest grocer, said it suspended online transactions after about 20,000 customers had money fraudulently taken from...

I profitti di Berkshire Hathaway in calo del 30% al terzo trimestre

Berkshire Hathaway reported a 10.5 percent drop in operating profit for its insurance and reinsurance operations during the third quarter, with underwriting income falling...

Zurich: il cambiamento climatico è la maggiore preoccupazione per il 78% delle PMI

Climate change is a major concern for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), according to Zurich Insurance Group’s fourth annual global SME survey. Almost four-fifths...

Utili al 3° trimestre per AIG

American International Group Inc. posted profit that fell short of Wall Street estimates as costs swelled on contracts in which the insurer guarantees payments...

La vendita di assicurazione cyber rallenta dopo 6 anni di rapida crescita

The overall upward trend of organizations purchasing cyber insurance continued in 2016, however there are signs the market is slowing after six years of...

Il CEO di Chubb Greenberg riporta eccellenti risultati al III trimestre

The world’s largest publicly traded property/casualty insurance company, Chubb Limited, reported net income for the quarter ended Sept. 30, 2016 of $1.36 billion, or...

Il nuovo assicuratore Auto Root punta sui buoni guidatori con Smartphone

Root officially debuted in the U.S. market on October 25. The fledgling auto insurer, just 18 months old, relies on telematics and a customer’s...

I riassicuratori a Baden Baden si attendono che gli assicuratori P/C agli aumenti dei...

Hurricane Matthew will have a limited impact on the years-long decline in rates for reinsurance, according to industry representatives, who predict primary insurers will...

Conferenza sul futuro dell’assicurazione e dell’InsureTech

You’ve probably heard. There is tremendous investor interest right now in technology-first insurance startups, or insurtech firms. The first InsureTech Connect Conference in Las...

I paesi emergenti vedranno una forte crescita dei premi non vita secondo JLT Re

Despite recent slowdowns, emerging economies are expected to outperform advanced markets over the next five years, according to a report published by JLT Re.The...

Metlife pensa di espandere la Hub europea a Dublino

MetLife Inc., the U.S. insurer, is close to finalizing a decision to expand its operations in Ireland, according to a person familiar with the...

I premi per la responsabilità medica rimangono stabili

The medical malpractice insurance industry’s premiums remain essentially flat, having dropped only very slightly (0.1 percent) from last year across the industry, according to...

I danni assicurati dell’uragano Matthew potrebbero superare quelle di Sandy?

A hurricane threatening the first direct hit on the United States in more than a decade could cause insurance losses of $25-30 billion and...

MetLife decide per lo Spinoff della divisione retail USA

MetLife Inc. has filed for a spinoff of a U.S. retail unit after considering alternate plans to sell the business or exit through an...

Tesla: l’autopilota non è responsabile dell’incidente con il bus in Germania

A Tesla Motors Inc. car operating under Autopilot collided with a bus in northern Germany, but the electric car maker said a collision was...

L’obesità tra i costi più alti della Workers’ Compensation

Obese and overweight workers are more likely to incur high costs related to workers’ compensation claims for major injuries, reports a study in the...

L’ex CEO di AIG Greenberg sul banco dei testimoni

Former American International Group Inc. Chairman Maurice “Hank” Greenberg says he got personally involved in an “insignificant” business deal at the insurance giant 18...

Business Interruption tra i primi rischi delle organizzazioni global

Business interruption, property damage and general liability are the top three risks faced by businesses, non-governmental organizations and governmental agencies operating outside the U.S.,...

Gibilterra potrebbe avere un nuovo ruolo dopo la Brexit

Gibraltar, a rocky British enclave on Spain’s southern tip that has positioned itself as a springboard for finance to the European Union, may have...

USA: gli standard di sicurezza per veicoli autonomi

The Obama administration’s proposed guidelines for self-driving cars, to be formally unveiled Tuesday, include 15 benchmarks automakers will need to meet before their autonomous...

USA: causa contro Samsung per lesioni da esplosione di Galaxy 7

Samsung Electronics Co. was sued on Friday by a Florida man who said he suffered severe burns after his Galaxy Note 7 smartphone exploded...

11 anni dopo le indagini di Spitzer il momento della verità per Greenberg

It’s a day of reckoning — or the moment of truth — for former American International Group Inc. head Maurice “Hank” Greenberg.More than 11...

E’ il punto più basso del ciclo riassicurativo? Le varie opinioni dei protagonisti di...

It may be wishful thinking – but some major reinsurers are hoping the bottom of the reinsurance cycle is at hand.Both Swiss Re and...

A.M. Best’s Ranking top 25 riassicurazione non vita: Swiss Re al comando

Swiss Re landed on top of a ranking of global non-life reinsurers, just edging out Munich Re by a few hundred million dollars in...

Le auto senza conducente ridurranno i premi dell’assicurazione auto negli USA

The rollout of autonomous vehicles over the next few decades could lead to a massive reduction in U.S. motor vehicle premiums in the...

Aon: catbond al livello più basso dal 2011

Catastrophe-bond issuance slipped to its lowest level since 2011 over the past year as the securities outperformed the S&P 500 Index, according to insurance...

A.M. Best: outlook sulla riassicurazione rimane negativo

A.M. Best said its outlook for the reinsurance sector remains negative due to a multitude of factors, and it will likely stay that way...

I profitti dei riassicuratori a rischio calo a causa dei costi di capitale: S&P

Reinsurers’ profits will soon drop below their cost of capital* and could remain there until the underwriting and/or investment cycles turn, according to Standard...

AIG vuole vendere le ultime partecipazioni nella cinese PICC

American International Group (AIG) is seeking to raise about $190 million by selling its remaining shares in China’s PICC Property and Casualty Co Ltd,...

Swiss Re Corporate Solutions lancia ‘CyberSolutions Germany’

Swiss Re Corporate Solutions has expanded its cyber offering with the launch of CyberSolutions Germany, a new, market-specific primary insurance product.This advanced cyber risk...

Hiscox vende la divisione di Hong Kong di DirectAsia a Well Link Group...

Hiscox, the specialist insurance group, has completed the sale of the Hong Kong division of its DirectAsia business to Well Link Group Holdings Ltd.,...

AIG, Chubb, XL in testa al mercato Cyber USA di $1 mld secondo...

About 120 U.S. insurance groups wrote an estimated $1 billion in cyber insurance direct written premiums in 2015, according to Fitch.Fitch aggregated the cybersecurity...

La maggior parte degli italiani non è assicurata contro i terremoti

The magnitude 6.2 earthquake that struck Italy’s Umbria region this week, killing at least 250 people, is estimated to have cost the country anywhere...

Il primo ‘Robo-Taxi’ senza autista nelle strade di Singapore in prova

The first driverless taxi began work on Thursday in a limited public trial on the streets of Singapore. Developer nuTonomy invited a select group of...

Terremoto in Italia, difficile che entri in gioco il cat bond Azzurro Re di...

A powerful earthquake in Italy on Wednesday is unlikely to force UnipolSai’s 200 million euro ($226 mln) catastrophe bond into default as the bond...

Anbang Insurance pronta per l’Ipo nel 2017

Anbang Insurance Group Co., the Chinese owner of New York’s Waldorf Astoria hotel, has asked banks to pitch for role on a planned Hong...

S&P: un forte Enterprise Risk Management è la chiave di successo e sopravvivenza per...

The reinsurance sector’s focus on strong enterprise risk management (ERM) frameworks is helping them weather the many headwinds hitting both the asset and liability...

Aviva e RSA: utili in crescita nel semestre

Insurers Aviva Plc and RSA Insurance Group Plc shrugged off any fallout from the Brexit referendum by reporting higher first-half profit and increasing shareholder...

A.M. Best: gli assicuratori Captive sono in forma

Captive insurance companies rated by A.M. Best ended 2015 in strong form, recording pretax operating income of $1.4 billion, a 13.5 percent increase over...

Tesla in cerca di spiegazioni per l’incidente della macchina con Autopilot

Tesla Motors Inc. told U.S. Senate Commerce Committee staff it is considering two theories that may help explain what led to the May 7...

Arthur J. Gallagher & Co. acquista Orb Financial Services Ltd. in Uk

Arthur J. Gallagher & Co. announced the acquisition of Orb Financial Services Ltd. in Surrey, England. Terms of the transaction were not disclosed.Founded in...

Michael Kessler nominato chief reinsurance officier di Chubb

Chubb Ltd., the insurer led by Chief Executive Officer Evan Greenberg, promoted Michael Kessler to chief reinsurance officer as William O’Farrell departs for other...

Le catastrofi non affossano il risultato operativo di Chubb

Chubb Ltd. weathered claims from major storms in Texas and other U.S. states, Canadian wildfires and earthquakes in Japan and Ecuador in the second...

Everest Re Group: utile netto nel II trimestre in calo a $155.7 mln

Bermuda-based Everest Re Group Ltd. reported second quarter 2016 net income of $155.7 million, or $3.67 per diluted common share, compared to net income...

Adsensa: i Lloyd’s hanno una potenziale grande esposizione ad attacchi cyber catastrofici

A review of almost 400 reinsurance contracts underwritten at Lloyd’s of London has revealed potentially significant vulnerabilities and exposures if a catastrophic cyber attack...

Beazley chiederà licenza per business riassicurativo irlandese dopo il voto Brexit

Lloyd’s of London’s Beazley Plc is working to get European insurance licenses for its Irish reinsurance business to allow it to operate throughout the...

Startup Fintech ottiene licenza bancaria in Germania per offrire anche prodotti assicurativi in Europa

N26, a Berlin startup that offers financial services directly to consumers, said Thursday it’s received a German banking license that will let it offer...

Aon Benfield: i danni assicurati salgono a $30 mld nel I semestre, il 30%...

Preliminary global economic losses reached US$98 billion during the first half of 2016, while global insured losses hit US$30 billion – their highest levels...

Efma: IoT rappresenta grandi minacce e grandi opportunità per il settore assicurativo

The steady advance of the internet of things (IoT) presents a huge number of opportunities for insurers – as well as threats, according to...

Gli assicurati UK abbracciano la telematica per avere premi auto più bassi

Demonstrating a growing intolerance of mobile phone use at the wheel, a survey of 1314* motor insurance policyholders in the UK found that consumers...

BP aumenta la responsabilità per il caso Deepwater Horizon di 5,2 mld $

BP Plc has raised the total liability from the Deepwater Horizon oil disaster, which triggered the worst offshore oil spill in U.S. history, by...

USA: utili degli assicuratori P/C in calo del 26% nel I trimestre

U.S. property/casualty insurers saw their net income after taxes fall to $13.3 billion in first-quarter 2016 from $18.1 billion in first-quarter 2015—a 26.6 percent...

Le assicurazioni alle Bermuda dovrebbero crescere del 10.3% all’anno fino al 2019

The Bermuda insurance industry is projected to grow at a steady pace as a result of new regulations and consistent growth in external business,...

Munich Re: tempeste e terremoti hanno fatto aumentare i danni assicurati nel I semestre

Economic losses caused by natural catastrophes in the first half of 2016 totaled US$70 billion, a significant increase from the $59 billion reported for...

Chubb pensa che i danni da catastrofe crescano del 54% nel secondo trimestre rispetto...

Property and casualty insurer Chubb Ltd. estimated natural catastrophe losses for the second quarter to be about 54 percent higher than the first quarter,...

Octo Telematics pensa a vendita o IPO (fonti)

Octo Telematics SpA, the Italian car insurance-technology company, is pursuing an outright sale alongside preparations for an initial public offering, according to people with...

I risultati del settore P/C colpiti dalle catastrofi e dai bassi ritorni sugli investimenti

Driven by the highest level of first-quarter catastrophe losses since 2011, the underwriting results of the U.S. property/casualty (P/C) industry in the first quarter...

Tesla: il pilota automatico non è stato determinante nell’incidente in Pennsylvania

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) is investigating a July 1 crash in Pennsylvania of a Tesla Model X to determine whether automated...

Marsh: il comparto deve adattarsi ai nuovi attacchi terroristici

The federal terrorism reinsurance program in 2015 has helped maintain certainty and stability for the U.S. market even as the nature of terrorist acts...

PartnerRe riorganizza le unità di business per andare incontro alle esigenze dei clienti

PartnerRe Ltd. announced the formation of a new organizational structure designed to make it easier for clients to do business with the company.“The restructuring...

Le autorità stanno indagando sull’incidente della Tesla con pilota automatico

U.S. regulators are investigating a fatal accident involving a Tesla Motors Inc. sedan that was driving on autopilot, drawing scrutiny to a key technology...

Zurich acquista MAA Takaful Berhad per espandersi nel mercato takaful in Malesia

Zurich Insurance Co. Ltd., a subsidiary of Zurich Insurance Group has completed the acquisition of MAA Takaful Berhad (MAAT), a leading provider of Takaful...

Swiss Re:premi globali in crescita del 3,8%

Despite a challenging business environment and global trade slowdown in 2015, global direct premiums written grew by 3.8 percent in real terms, up from...

QBE riflette sugli effetti Brexit, Marsh delinea gli scenari possibili

QBE Insurance Group announced this week that it will be reviewing its UK-based operations in light of last week’s vote in the UK to...

Accenture: il furto dei dati da parte dei dipendenti colpisce il 69% delle aziende

As businesses spend billions of dollars a year trying to protect their data from hacking that’s costing trillions, they face another threat closer to...

L’accordo con i consumatori sul Dieselgate costerà a Volkswagen $15 mld

Volkswagen AG’s settlement with nearly 500,000 U.S. diesel owners and government regulators over polluting vehicles is valued at more than $15 billion cash, a...

I leader della assicurazione e riassicurazione cominciano a commentare il mondo post Brexit

The UK joined the European Union in January 1973, and yesterday, the UK public voted to leave. After 43 years of marriage, the divorce...

USA: prima regolamentazione operativa per i droni

The Federal Aviation Administration has finalized the first operational rules for routine commercial use of small unmanned aircraft systems or drones opening pathways towards...

Aon: ‘Brexit’ potrebbe danneggiare la posizione leader della Gran Bretagna nell’assicurazione

Aon Plc Chief Executive Officer Greg Case, who moved the insurance broker to London from Chicago four years ago, said the U.K.’s centuries-long leadership...

PwC: gli assicuratori ignorano la rivoluzione FinTech a loro rischio e pericolo

While 90 percent of insurers fear they will lose business to a FinTech start-up, only 43 percent say they have put FinTech at the...

I legali si attendono che Dinsey voglia patteggiare se la famiglia farà causa per...

June was supposed to have been a triumphant month for Walt Disney Co theme parks, with the flashy opening of a long-planned resort in...

Il ceo di AIG Hancock: gli attivisti rendono il gruppo più trasparente

Activist investors Carl Icahn and John Paulson are making American International Group (AIG) more transparent through their representation on its board, the U.S. insurer’s...

Il ceo di Axa de Castries prevede un rischio molto alto di brexit

There is an “extremely high” probability that the U.K. will vote to leave the European Union and investors will face “a true landscape of...

Willis Towers Watson: salgono I prezzi dell’assicurazione azienda nel I trim

Commercial insurance prices increased only a bit in aggregate (less than 1 percent) during the first quarter of 2016, according to the latest Commercial...

Aon: i disastri globali di maggio costeranno fino a $7 mld

Global disasters led to at least $7 billion in claims during May as insurers aid the recovery process following wildfires, floods, and storms, according...

Un tornado colpisce il nord est di Amburgo

A tornado tore through the northeast of Hamburg on Tuesday evening, blowing off the roofs of several buildings, uprooting dozens of trees and damaging...

Fitch stima a $1.1 mld i danni da alluvione in Germania

Insurers will face higher-than-expected claims related to floods in Germany, according to Fitch Ratings, dealing another blow to an industry squeezed by low interest...

Solvency II accrescerà la domanda di riassicurazione: Fitch

Solvency II will increase insurers’ demand for reinsurance products as they seek to strengthen their capital positions via risk transfer, according to a report...

Mentire agli azionisti sulla fuoriuscita di petroli nel 2010 costa a BP $175 mln

BP Plc said it agreed to pay $175 million to settle claims by U.S. investors that its managers lied about the size of the...

I commenti di AIR Worldwide sulle alluvioni in Germania

Torrential rain, thunderstorms and flash floods that have inundated towns in southeastern Germany in recent days took the death toll to at least eight...

Munich Re: 1 mld per ristrutturare Ergo

Munich Re, the world’s second-biggest reinsurer, plans to spend 1 billion euros ($1.1 billion) by 2020 restructuring operations at its loss-making primary insurance unit...

L’ex ceo di Zurich Martin Senn si toglie la vita

Former Zurich Insurance boss Martin Senn has committed suicide six months after leaving the company under a cloud, a tragedy that comes less than...

PartnerRe rimodella $16 mld del portafoglio investimenti sollo la guida di EXOR

PartnerRe exited junk bonds and shifted funds into property as the reinsurer reshaped a $16 billion investment portfolio after being acquired by John Elkann’s...

ABI: costi a 2 mld $ per le tempeste invernali in UK

Flood damage in Britain from winter storms has resulted in claims for more than 15,000 homes and businesses and is likely to lead to...

S&P: poche compagnie delle Bermuda trainano la crescita del I trimestre

At first glance, Bermudian re/insurance companies appeared to start the year with a bang, reporting a 21 percent increase in consolidated gross premiums written...

Standard Life: azionisti in rivolta sulle remunerazione dei dirigenti

Oliver Ralph, Insurance CorrespondentStandard Life became the latest victim of the shareholder spring with 22 per cent of votes cast going against the investment...

Greco: la ristrutturazione di Zurich è sulla buona strada ma l’organizzazione è ancora molto...

While Zurich Insurance Group’s new chief executive officer believes the insurer is on the right track in terms of growth and profit, the organizational...

L’utile netto di Zurich nel I trimestre scende del 28% a $ 875 mln

Zurich Insurance Group AG, Switzerland’s biggest insurer, posted a first-quarter profit that beat analysts’ expectations as Chief Executive Officer Mario Greco continues the overhaul...

In Italia rimosso da giudice perché considerato imparziale sul caso AmTrust

An arbitrator in Milan was removed by an Italian judge on concerns he couldn’t be impartial after AmTrust Financial Services Inc. sued him, claiming...

Gli utili di Munich Re al I trimestre scendono a $489.9 mln, rivisti i...

Munich Re, the world’s second-biggest reinsurer, revised its full-year profit target to include restructuring charges at its primary insurance unit and losses on equity...

L’incendio in Alberta potrebbe danneggiare l’economia in Canada più che Katrina negli USA

Intact Financial Corp. may post insured losses of as much as C$1.1 billion ($850 million) from the wildfires in Alberta, which could dent the...

I costi dell’incendio nell’Alberta andrà ad impattare i conti del 2° trimestre

While the wildfires raging through northern Alberta and the city of Fort McMurray could bring one of the largest catastrophe losses in Canadian history,...

Greenberg: buon inizio per la nuova Chubb

The new Chubb reported its first quarter results since the Ace Ltd. deal to acquire Chubb closed in January and, according to the man...

Catastrofi negli USA nel I trimestre: danni assicurati per 3,8 mld per 13...

Catastrophe activity in the U.S. led to $3.8 billion in insured losses in 29 states during the 2016 first quarter, with much of the...

Fitch: l’assicurazione auto aziendale rimane in perdita nel mercato globale

While the property/casualty industry has reported three consecutive years of significant underwriting profits, the commercial auto market as a whole reported an underwriting loss...

Marsh: crescita del 2% nel 1° trimestre, Guy Carpenter del 3%

Global insurance, risk and consulting firm Marsh & McLennan Companies Inc. reported growth across all of its companies in for the first quarter ended...

Alcuni automobilisti senior hanno un maggior rischio di incidente. Studio

Older drivers with a history of falling have a 40 percent higher risk of being involved in motor vehicle crashes.But despite this increased risk,...

Chi vince e chi perde in una economia senza conducente?

The automotive and tech companies pursuing the driverless car share a utopian belief: Autonomous vehicles will benefit society, eventually saving most of the nearly...

RMS: i danni economici per il terremoto in Giappone costeranno 2,5-3,5 mld $

RMS, the Newark, Calif.-based catastrophe risk management firm, estimated that economic property damage for both the April 15 moment magnitude (Mw) 7.0 earthquake and...

Obama fa appello alla Gran Bretagna per restare in Europa

U.S. President Barack Obama made an impassioned appeal on Friday for Britain to remain in the European Union, saying membership had magnified Britain’s place...

Il terremoto in Giappone potrebbe costare 2,9 mld $ secondo AIR Worldwide

An earthquake that struck southern Japan on April 16 will probably cost insurers as much as 320 billion yen ($2.9 billion), according to catastrophe...

Una Ferrari rubata ritrovata dopo 29 anni

A 1981 Ferrari GTSI that has been missing for 21 years has been recovered, according to the National Insurance Crime Bureau (NICB). The car, reported...

AM Best: l’esposizione al rischio catastrofe cresce con l’uso selettivo del capitale alternativo

Insurers in the London, Europe and Bermuda markets writing catastrophe-exposed business take a different approach to retention of risk at the 1-in-100-year return level...

AXA e Chaucer, Partnership strategica per offrire assicurazione in Africa nel settore specialty

AXA is targeting the rapidly expanding market for African specialty insurance by partnering with Chaucer, a Lloyd’s specialty insurance group.The new venture, called “AXA...

I commenti di Worldwide sul terremoto in Ecuador

World leaders from the Vatican to Washington offered support to Ecuador as casualties mounted following one of the strongest earthquakes to strike the South...

Dopo l’attacco in Bangladesh istituzioni finanziarie più fragili secondo gli esperti cyber

The founder of cyber-security firm Kaspersky Lab expects more attacks on financial targets after hackers recently stole funds from Bangladesh’s central bank and moved...

AmTrust accusa l’ex partner italiano di minacce, furto di dati e corruzione

The box arrived at his home in Italy and, when he opened it, the insurance executive was chilled by its contents: nine bullets, one...

Come Generali sta connettendo gli USA con la sua rete globale

The U.S. branch of Generali’s Global Corporate & Commercial business unit has launched a property insurance product for U.S.-based multinational corporations.GC&C is a relative...

Gli attacchi terroristici in Europa nel 2015 più letali degli ultimi dieci anni: Aon...

As terrorists increasingly target private citizens and public gatherings, last year marked the most lethal year for terrorist violence in Europe in nearly a...

Axa in trattativa per vendere molte unità in UK (fonte)

AXA SA, France’s largest insurer, is in talks to sell most of its U.K. life-insurance and wealth-investments units, according to two people with knowledge...

RIMS 2016: tecnologia indossabile, veicoli auotonomi dominano l’orizzonte assicurativo

Imagine sitting at your desk writing a quote for an insurance policy and suddenly the lapel of your coat begins angrily buzzing, snapping you...

MetLife, il Governo USA non molla la battaglia

The U.S. government on Friday appealed a court decision that major insurer MetLife cannot be considered “too big to fail” in the United States...

AIG: chi vincerà tra Hancock e Icahn?

News that activist investor Carl Icahn has his eye on a company must make any chief executive officer feel a bit like a water...

Report Aon: il capitale alternativo sale del 12%, la riassicurazione tradizionale scende del 4%...

Alternative capital continues to make its presence felt in the reinsurance market, increasing by 12 percent during 2015 to $72 billion, while traditional capital...

Più di metà degli acquirenti di assicurazioni dà informazioni non veritiere

It seems there’s no shortage of financial dishonesty. Two recent surveys seem to indicate that many of us are perfectly willing to lie to...

Indagine: la Brexit potrebbe colpire o danneggiare i Lloyd’s

A survey of London market insurers, brokers, and service providers revealed that 70 percent believe a U.K. exit from the European Union would hurt...

La vittoria di MetLife potrebbe spingere AIG e Prudential a rifiutare la designazione di...

After regulators slapped the too-big-to-fail label on MetLife Inc., Chief Executive Officer Steve Kandarian had several responses. One was to challenge government watchdogs in...

I danni delle esplosioni a Tianjin raggiungono i $3.5 mld secondo Swiss Re

Insurance payouts from the chemical blasts at the Chinese Port of Tianjin last year could total up to $3.5 billion, reinsurer Swiss Re said...

MetLife vince in appello: non è di rilevanza sistemica

MetLife Inc. beat back a U.S. attempt to label it too big to fail, which would’ve put America’s biggest life insurer under tougher government...

Le auto automatiche, una sfida a lungo termine per gli assicuratori: Moody’s

Accident avoidance features in vehicles, such as automatic braking, adaptive cruise control, and lane departure prevention, are becoming more prevalent and will lead to...

JLT: assicuratori e riassicuratori devono rispondere all’evolvere del rischio terrorismo con prodotti validi

The re/insurance industry is failing to respond to the growing global terrorist threat with products that meet the needs of their clients, according to...

La mappa del rischio sismico U.S.A. ora include i terrremoti causati dall’uomo

Earthquakes caused by human activity will now be included in the U.S. Geological Survey’s seismic risk maps, the agency said on Monday after a...

Come la telematica può sostenere il servizio sinistri e migliorare la Customer Experience

Insurers that are not already using the data from their telematics programs for claims would be wise to do so early in their adoption...

Utili dei Lloyd’s in calo del 30%

Lloyd’s of London reported a 30 percent drop of full-year profit as the world’s largest insurance market was hurt by continued pressure on pricing...

Aig continua a tagliare posti di lavoro, a New York 242

American International Group Inc., the insurer that’s been under pressure from activist investors, said it plans to cut 242 jobs at five locations in...

Il nuovo Ceo di Chubb O’Brien e la sfida dell’integrazione

By Andrew G. Simpson Its acquisition of Fireman’s Fund’s business in April, 2015 provided ACE Ltd. with an idea of what’s involved in integrating two...

I sistemi di freno automatico, obbligatori dal 2022 nelle auto USA, potrebbero evitare il...

Major automakers will announce Thursday they have agreed to install automatic emergency braking systems in nearly all U.S. vehicles by September 2022, three sources...

I profitti di Ping An crescono del 38% nel 2015 grazie agli investimenti e...

Ping An Insurance (Group) Co., China’s second-biggest insurer, said profit rose 38 percent last year as investment returns from stock trading expanded and banking...

Il risultato operativo delle compagnie P/C USA crolla del 7.2% nel 2015: Fitch

U.S. property/casualty insurers’ operating earnings decreased in 2015, highlighting the competitive operating environment and low investment yields that challenge insurers’ earnings growth potential, according...

278 investitori istituzionali fanno causa a Volkswagen (3,3 mld euro)

Almost 300 institutional investors in Volkswagen have filed a multi-billion euro suit against the carmaker for what they see as breaches of its capital...

Mario Greco: Zurich ha bisogno di una strategia chiara e semplice per ricostruire la...

Zurich Insurance Group AG needs a clear and simple strategy to rebuild investor confidence as the company tries to turn around its struggling general...

Anbang offre $6.5 mld per acquistare Major U.S. Hotel Group

China’s Anbang Insurance Group has agreed to acquire Strategic Hotels & Resorts Inc. for around $6.5 billion, as the owner of New York’s iconic...

Generali vuole nominare Donnet Ceo al posto di Greco (fonti)

Assicurazioni Generali SpA is set to propose Italy country manager Philippe Donnet as chief executive officer, replacing Mario Greco, who has joined Zurich...

AIG libera capitale con un accordo di riassicurazione con Swiss Re

American International Group Inc., the insurer stung by losses on higher-than-expected claims costs, said Swiss Re AG has agreed to take on some of...

Il comparto finanziario non supporta le donne nella progressione della carriera: Mercer

The finance industry offers women a lot of work, especially at the entry level. But each rung up the career ladder, they are increasingly...

Gli assicuratori possono trovare un vantaggio nel medio e brevet ermine dalla telematica: Fitch

The motor insurance industry faces a significant shake-up from two waves of technological innovation – the growth of telematics and the development of driverless...

L’ex CEO di Zurich Senn riceve 6,3 mln $ nel 2015 come retribuzione

Zurich Insurance paid Martin Senn, its former CEO, 6.1 million Swiss francs ($6.3 million) during 2015, down from 7.2 million Swiss francs ($7.9 million)...

Più del 40% delle compagnie ritiene Google una minaccia

More than 40 percent of insurers see Google as a potential threat because of its strong brand and ability to use customer data, a...

XL Group propone di spostare la sede dall`Irlanda alle Bermuda

XL Group plc announced a proposal to change its parent holding company’s place of incorporation to Bermuda from Ireland.“Establishing our corporate home in Bermuda...

Cresce del 12% l’utile di Axa grazie alle vendite vita in Europa ed Asia

AXA SA, France’s largest insurer, said 2015 profit rose 12 percent, helped by higher life insurance sales in Europe and Asia. The shares rose.Net...

Il comparto assicurativo analizza i motivi dell’insuccesso di Google

The insurance industry had a lot to say about what Google did wrong a day after the search engine giant said it would be...

Esclusivo: Google rinuncia al sito comparativo, lo dicono i partner

It appears Google Compare’s grand experiment in online comparison shopping for auto insurance is dead – for now at least.Insurance Journal has learned that...

L’adeguatezza di capitale è il punto di forza dei riassicuratori in un mercato difficile:...

Strength of capital and good enterprise risk management are two of the main reasons the global reinsurance industry will be able to maintain a...

Allianz Re: le riserve diminuiscono e i tassi continuano a scendere

Reinsurers are running out of claims reserves that they can release to boost profits as pricing continues to fall, according to the head of...

Potrebbe Alphabet comprare AIG?

It’s an “audacious” idea, and Citigroup Inc. acknowledges as much.Google’s parent, Alphabet Inc., should buy American International Group Inc. to expand into financial services,...

La Brexit metterebbe a rischio $670 mld di commercio britannico secondo uno studio

A British departure from the European Union would put at risk 466 billion pounds ($670 billion) of U.K. trade with nations in Europe and...

L’ex ceo di AIG Greenberg è d’accordo con Hancock e non con Icahn

American International Group Inc. Chief Executive Officer Peter Hancock won short-term relief at the risk of longer-term challenges by striking an accord with activist...

Perdita di 24 mln $ nel 4° trimestre per Willis

Willis Group reported a net loss of $24 million, or $(0.35) per diluted share during the fourth quarter of 2015, compared to earnings of...

Mapfre: utile netto a 32 mln nel 4° trimestre

Mapfre SA, Spain’s largest insurer, cut its annual dividend and posted a 32 percent drop in quarterly net profit as income from premiums fell. The...

Munich Re, utili trimestrali stabili a 700 mln, in aumento i dividendi

Munich Re, the world’s second-biggest reinsurer, plans to increase its dividend more than expected after fourth-quarter profit remained unchanged from a year earlier. The company...

Zurich pronta a uscire da alcuni rischi per migliorare le performance

Zurich Insurance Group AG is “prepared to shrink” some of its businesses after being caught off guard by the scale of claims it had to absorb last...

Mitsui Sumitomo Insurance completa l’acquisizione di MS Amlin

Lloyd’s of London insurer Amlin plc announced the completion of its acquisition by Mitsui Sumitomo Insurance Co. Ltd., a wholly owned subsidiary of MS&AD...

L’automazione potrebbe causare il taglio del 25% dei posti di lavoro: McKinsey

Automation could leave up to 25 percent of the insurance industry’s current full-time positions consolidated or replaced over the next decade, McKinsey & Co....

A Icahn non piace il piano di AIG

Carl Icahn, the activist investor calling for a breakup of American International Group Inc., said the alternative plan presented last week by the insurer’s...

Chubb pubblica i risultati del 4° trimestre e del 2015

Just shy of two weeks after closing on their merger, ACE Ltd. and Chubb Corp. released financial results for their last quarter and year...

Riorganizzazione e non spezzatino per AIG

American International Group Inc. announced $3.6 billion in expenses to fill a reserve shortfall after higher-than-expected claims costs and will exit its mortgage insurer...

Greco nominato CEO di Zurich

Zurich Insurance Group AG hired Assicurazioni Generali SpA’s Mario Greco as chief executive officer, giving him the task of turning around the company, after losses in its...

AM Best: il rating di Zurich rimane invariato nonostante il profit warning

The financial strength rating of A+ (Superior) and the issuer credit rating of “aa-” of Zurich Insurance Co. Ltd. (ZIC) and its rated affiliates...

Assicuratori cinesi, premi a 365 mld $ nel 2015

The premium income received by China’s insurance firms hit 2.4 trillion yuan ($364.85 billion) in 2015, the industry regulator said on Monday. This means insurance premium income rose 20...

Gli assicuratori globali esplorano opportunitä in Iran, premi per 7,4 mld $

Global insurance firms are circling Iran for business opportunities following the lifting of sanctions – and the first test of their appetite could come in March...

Allianz vuole comprare il portafoglio P&C aziende di Aegon in Olanda

Allianz has agreed to acquire the commercial P&C portfolio of Aegon in the Netherlands. Details of the transaction were not disclosed. Allianz’s P&C market share...

Travelers, crolla l’utile del 4° trimestre

Travelers Cos., the only property-casualty insurer in the Dow Jones Industrial Average, said fourth-quarter profit fell 17 percent as investment income declined on low bond...

Zurich si attende un quarto trimestre in perdita a causa delle catastrofi naturali

Zurich Insurance Group AG fell to the lowest in more than three years after Switzerland’s biggest insurer put shareholders on notice that it expects a second...

Danni assicurati per la tempesta Desmond stimati in 1,1 mld

The initial estimate of the insured property market loss for flood damage caused by storm Desmond during Dec. 4-24, 2015 is £717 million ($1...

Al via la nuova Chubb dopo la fusione con Ace

ACE Ltd. and Chubb said they have received all necessary regulatory approvals and will close their $29.7 billion merger agreement today, Jan. 14 – six months...

Danni da catastrofi naturali assicurati: 31% in meno della media secondo Aon Benfield

Global natural disasters in 2015 caused a combined total insured loss of $35 billion – 31 percent below the 15-year average of $51 billion...

Il piano di spin-off di AIG potrebbe aggiungere pressione alla disgregazione

After General Electric Co. began selling finance operations to exit too-big-to-fail status, American International Group Inc. Chief Executive Officer Peter Hancock said it wasn’t...

Secondo la stampa svizzera Zurich vuole Greco come CEO

Zurich Insurance Group AG will appoint Mario Greco, the head of its Italian rival Assicurazioni Generali SpA, as chief executive officer, Swiss newspaper SonntagsZeitung reported, without...

Prospettiva sempre negativa per l’assicurazione commerciale Danni secondo A.M.Best

Rating agency A.M. Best said it is maintaining its negative outlook on the commercial lines segment of the U.S. property/casualty (P/C) industry, despite relatively...

I costi assicurativi per le tempeste di dicembre potrebbero raggiungere i 2 mld $...

Total economic losses from the weather events in the U.S. during the month of December will exceed $4 billion, with insured losses likely to...

Capitali stabili, prezzi rimangono in fase soft nei rinnovi di gennaio, report di Guy...

Reinsurance capital levels stabilized during the Jan. 1, 2016 renewals – showing no growth for the first time in several years – and prices...

P&I Premiums Expected to be Under Pressure at 2016 Renewals: Willis Report

A report from Willis Group Holdings notes that “despite P&I Clubs announcing that they are trying to achieve on average two percent increases in...

Best Maintains Negative Outlook on Global Reinsurance Sector

A.M. Best announced that it is holding to “its 2016 outlook for the global reinsurance sector at negative, citing the significant ongoing market challenges...

Milliman Report on Europe, Japan, Asia Insurers Sees Increased Embedded Value

Global consulting and actuarial firm Milliman, Inc. has announced the availability of two new reports detailing embedded value (EV) results for 32 major insurance...

AIG Plans $3 Billion Stock Buyback

American International Group Inc., the insurer pressured by activist investor Carl Icahn to boost returns, announced a plan to repurchase another $3 billion of...

Lloyd’s Announces Plan to Launch Proprietary Insurance Index in 2016

Lloyd’s of London has announced that it “plans to launch its own insurance based index in mid-2016. This would be the first index for...

Survey Concludes Europe’s Regulators ‘Gold-Plating’ New Insurer Capital Rules

Domestic regulators are increasingly “gold-plating” new European insurance capital rules by adding their own more stringent requirements, according to a survey of insurance trade...

Towers Watson and Willis Shareholders Approve $8.9 Billion Merger Deal

Towers Watson & Co. won approval from its shareholders for an $8.9 billion merger with insurance broker Willis Group Holdings Plc, overcoming opposition from...

Auto Insurance? Pensions Online? EU Wants Cross-Border Financial Market

Creating a pan-European retail market in car insurance and pensions largely hinges on whether 500 million consumers will go online to widen their choice...

Softening of P/C Commercial Markets, Including D&O, to Continue: Fitch

U.S. commercial insurance market segments, including directors and officers (D&O) liability insurance, are continuing to soften and are likely to stay on this path...
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