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Il rinvio delle Olimpiadi dovrebbe costare agli assicuratori molto meno della cancellazione

Ritardare le Olimpiadi probabilmente costerà agli assicuratori molto meno che annullare del tutto i Giochi di Tokyo, con la possibilità che alcuni dei soggetti...

Molte aziende globali devono affrontare costi elevati per il coronavirus a causa delle esclusioni...

Molte aziende globali, dagli alberghi, dalle compagnie aeree alle case industriali, dovrebbero pagare un conto elevato per le interruzioni di attività causate dal coronavirus...
catastrofi naturali

A.M. Best: gli utili dei riassicuratori colpiti dopo il terzo anno di grandi sinistri

Secondo AM Best, gli utili dei riassicuratori dovrebbero subire un'ulteriore erosione nel 2019, dopo un altro anno di gravi sinistri catastrofali, che sta prolungando...

Johnson & Johnson giudicato responsabile in Oklahoma: condannato a pagare 572 mln $

Un giudice dell'Oklahoma lunedì ha ordinato a Johnson & Johnson di pagare 572,1 milioni di dollari allo stato per la sua parte nell'alimentare un'epidemia...

I guai non sono finiti per la Bayer, previste altre richieste di risarcimento

L'incubo legale che si sta allargando sugli diserbanti Roundup non è l'unica potenziale responsabilità multimiliardaria che Bayer AG ha ereditato lo scorso anno quando...
cyber risk

A.M. Best: Lo stato del mercato dell’assicurazione cyber

Il mercato delle cyber assicurazioni continua a crescere e, secondo un nuovo rapporto A.M. Best, la performance assicurativa in questo settore rimane forte. I premi...

USA: come le compagnie stanno digitalizzando i sinistri, con app, foto, video ecc.

La trasformazione digitale del settore assicurativo non è più realtà solo per le startup assicurative. In Allstate, il 60% delle richieste di risarcimento sono ora...

Il pioniere delle criptomonete Justin Sun paga 4,5 mln $ per un pranzo di...

Il pioniere delle criptomonete Justin Sun ha offerto 4,57 milioni di dollari per pranzare con l'investitore miliardario Warren Buffett, che notoriamente si riferiva a...

Buffett non ha paura dei costruttori di auto che fanno assicurazione

Il presidente di Berkshire Hathaway Warren Buffett ha detto che non è preoccupato per le recenti asserzioni del ceo di Tesla Elon Musk sul...

Il crash della Ethiopian Airlines potrebbe battere il record di risarcimenti per la riassicurazione...

I risarcimenti legati alla responsabilità civile relativi al crash dell'Ethiopian Airlines e del velivolo Boeing 737 MAX 8 potrebbe costituire il più grande sinistro per...

J&J dovrà pagare 29 mln $ a una donna con cancro causato dal talco

Johnson & Johnson deve pagare 29 milioni di dollari a una donna californiana in fin di vita che sostiene che il talco contenente amianto...

AON interessato a fare un’offerta per Willis Towers Watson

Aon Plc sta prendendo in considerazione di fare un'offerta per l'acquisto di Willis Towers Watson Plc, secondo fonti vicine ai fatti. Potrebbe essere la...

Berkshire Hathaway: perdita nel IV trimestre, utile per l’intero esercizio 2018

Nella relazione annuale, il presidente di Berkshire Hathaway, Warren Buffett, ha raccomandato ai lettori di concentrarsi sugli utili operativi, esaminando un anno in cui...

Tempeste di gennaio negli USA e alluvioni in Australia: danni economici per circa $...

Molteplici tempeste invernali e freddo estremo hanno causato la morte di 45 persone e costato all'economia statunitense 1 miliardo di dollari nel mese di...

Criptovalute: furti e truffe aumentano del 400% a 1,7 mld $ nel 2018

I furti o truffe sulle criptovalute negli scambi sono aumentati di oltre il 400 per cento nel 2018 a circa 1,7 miliardi di dollari,...
catastrofi naturali

Willis: molte minori catastrofi naturali hanno creato un quadro inusuale per i danni assicurati...

Secondo Willis Re, le stime riguardanti i danni assicurati da grandi catastrofi naturali nel 2018 ammontavano a circa 71,5 miliardi di dollari, il valore...
cyber minacce

Assicurazione cyber 2019: prevista una forte crescita

L'assicurazione cyber tende ad aumentare, il settore è in crescita e la tecnologia che lo circonda si sta evolvendo a un ritmo molto rapido....

Guy Carpenter: impatto silenzioso delle catastrofi 2018 sui rinnovi di gennaio

L'impatto complessivo dei sinistri catastrofali sui premi property è stato attenuato in occasione dei rinnovi riassicurativi del 1° gennaio 2019, ma il quarto anno...

RenaissanceRe lancia Vermeer, nuovo riassicuratore per il mercato catastrofi USA

RenaissanceRe Holdings e il gestore di fondi olandese PGGM hanno lanciato Vermeer Reinsurance Ltd per fornire capacità riassicurativa nel mercato property USA sui rischi...

Come crescerà il mercato assicurativo al temo dell’auto a guida autonoma

Durante la recente conferenza annuale della Professional Liability Underwriting Society (PLUS) a San Diego, Jamison Narbaitz, senior counsel with Clyde & Co. ha parlato...

Incendi California: secondo le ultime stime danni assicurati da $ 9 a 13 mld

Insured losses from the Camp and Woolsey wildfires in California will be between $9 billion and $13 billion, according to the latest estimates from...

I regolatori globali ripensano la designazione “too big to fail” per gli assicuratori

L'International Association of Insurance Supervisors (IAIS) ha dichiarato di voler sostituire l'elenco degli assicuratori "too big to fail", pubblicato l'ultima volta nel 2016, con...

RenaissanceRe vuole acquisire Tokio Millennium Re, deal da $1.5 mld

La compagnia di riassicurazione con sede alle Bermuda RenaissanceRe Holdings ha concordato il pagamento di circa 1,5 mld di dollari per acquisire la piattaforma...

MMC: 5% di crescita nel III trimestre

Marsh & McLennan Companies ha chiuso il III trimestre con ricavi consolidati per 3,5 mld $, in crescita del 5%. L'utile netto è pari...
cambiamento climatico

S&P: ricerca di efficienza, Insurtech, incertezza nell’auto trainano le attività di M&A

Dopo uno degli anni più attivi quanto a fusioni e acquisizioni nel settore assicurativo, le condizioni di mercato continuano a spingere questa tendenza, secondo...

Allianz sotto inchiesta in Australia per pubblicità ingannevole su polizze viaggio

Un'unità australiana dell'assicuratore tedesco Allianz SE è sotto inchiesta per aver venduto un'assicurazione di viaggio che prometteva ingannevolmente una copertura emergenza medica illimitata ovunque...

La Blockchain assicurativa B3i pronta a partire per i rinnovi di gennaio

L'iniziativa B3i annunciata un anno fa ha sviluppato un prototipo di blockchain riassicurativa per i contratti property excess-of-loss ed è stata testata da 40...

Fitch: continuerà il trend di consolidamento del mercato riassicurativo

Mentre manager della riassicurazione globale sono riuniti a Monte Carlo per il loro annuale Rendez Vous, Fitch Ratings ha detto che si aspetta...

RSA Insurance apre un ufficio in Lussemburgo in preparazione alla Brexit

RSA Insurance Group ha aperto un ufficio in Lussemburgo in preparazione all'uscita del Regno Unito dalla UE. Fornirà una piattaforma per RSA in Europa...

1 consumatore su 5 userebbe Amazon o google per l’assicurazione sulla casa

Un consumatore su cinque afferma che userebbe Amazon o Google per la propria assicurazione sulla casa, secondo un sondaggio J.D. Power. E la maggior...
Ping An

Ping An Insurance cita un broker USA per l’uso del nome

Il gigante cinese Ping An Insurance Group ha citato in giudizio un intermediario grossista californiano per l'utilizzo del nome Ping An. La società cinese...

La Cina richiama vaccini difettosi esportati oltre oceano

Gli investigatori in Cina hanno iniziato a richiamare vaccini difettosi prodotti da un produttore di droga cinese dai mercati nazionali e internazionali, secondo quanto...

Principali rischi post Brexit: 33,5 mld $ di export di servizi finanziari

Con la Brexit a rischio è il più grande mercato di esportazione dei servizi finanziari della Gran Bretagna, che lo scorso anno aveva un...

Travelers utilizzerà l’attuale modello rca per assicurare l’auto a guida autonoma

Auto insurance should continue to be the primary compensation model for accident victims as the driving population transitions to and then fully adopts autonomous...

Gli assicuratori P/C USA raddoppiano gli utili nel I semestre

Tax reform, a growing economy and lower catastrophe losses helped U.S. property/casualty insurers more than double their first quarter profit this year. Insurers’ net income...

Studio USA: sono le donne a chattare di più con il cellulare alla guida

People who text while driving are six times more likely to be involved in a car crash while those who talk on a mobile...

Amazon compra la start up farmaceutica on line PillPack come primo passo nel settore...

Amazon.com Inc. agreed to buy the online pharmacy startup PillPack, jumping into the health care business with a deal that will give the retail...

Fitch: come sarà il 2018 per la riassicurazione

The global reinsurance industry demonstrated resiliency following the record level of catastrophe losses in 2017, as very strong capitalization and effective risk management enabled...

L’Insurtech: trasformazione e non disruption per il settore assicurativo

The insurance industry is experiencing a convergence with technology that is transforming the way it develops products, underwrites, prices and sells policies, and services...
cyber minacce

Gli hacker rubano $32 mln da Bithumb

South Korean cryptocurrency exchange Bithumb said 35 billion won ($31.5 million) worth of virtual coins were stolen by hackers, the second local exchange targeted...

Gli assicuratori non hanno motivo di preoccuparsi per Amazon … per ora

As the largest U.S. insurers gathered at the Marriott Marquis hotel in Times Square to discuss the prospects for their industry, a threat to...

Lloyd’s: $92 mld a rischio nelle città del Nord America ogni anno

Cities in the U.S. and Canada stand to lose $92.96 billion per year to risks like market crash, cyber attack and flood, an index...

Tesla: accordo per la class action sulle funzioni di pilota automatico “non utilizzabili”

Tesla Inc. on Thursday reached an agreement to settle a class action lawsuit with buyers of its Model S and Model X cars who...

USA: gli assicuratori P/C migliorano i risultati nel I trimestre

The U.S. property/casualty insurance industry saw its combined ratio improve by nearly five points in the 2018 first quarter and net underwriting income grow...

Icahn si oppone alla privatizzazione di AmTrust

AmTrust Financial Services Inc. jumped almost 12 percent in late trading Thursday after billionaire Carl Icahn disclosed a stake in the company and said...

La Corte tedesca approva l’uso delle Dashcam come prova in caso di sinistro stradale

Germans will be able to use dashcam footage as evidence in some road accident cases following a federal supreme court ruling on Tuesday, even...

Gli Air Bag Takata collegati con 278 feriti e 15 morti negli in USA

Takata Corp.’s defective air bags have been linked to 278 injuries across the United States, according to updated figures released by U.S. Democratic Senator...

Berkshire Hathaway: in perdita il I trimestre ma utile nell’assicurazione

Warren Buffett lost money but had a pretty good quarter. Berkshire Hathaway Inc. on Saturday reported an unusual quarterly net loss, the result of an...

Le catastrofi naturali pesano sul trimestre di AIG

American International Group Inc. reported a 21 percent decline in first-quarter profit on Wednesday, due to higher catastrophe and bad weather claims, as well...

Le Insurtech non hanno ancora impressionato il pubblico

Insurtechs may be trying to transform how carriers, brokers and agents do business, but customers aren’t widely aware of their existence just yet, J.D....
guida autonoma

Rallenta la corsa verso i veicoli a guida autonoma dopo gli incidenti

A series of high-profile accidents involving self-driving cars are slowing the mad rush into the autonomous vehicles business, according to a report issued Wednesday. The...
cyber risk

PwC: per gli assicuratori l’assicurazione cyber è per ora redditizia

Carriers say that cyber insurance is quite profitable for them at the moment, and a majority are also using reinsurance to manage their exposures,...

Willis Re: ai rinnovi di aprile continua il trend di gennaio dei prezzi stabili

Reinsurance buyers were able to renew loss-free programs at broadly flat pricing levels during the April 1 renewals – continuing the trend seen at...

Uber cerca il patteggiamento con la famiglia della vittima dell’auto a guida autonoma

The family of the woman killed by an Uber Technologies Inc. self-driving vehicle in Arizona has reached a settlement with the ride services company,...

Questioni legali e di responsabilità dopo l’incidente mortale con l’auto autonoma di Uber

The death of a pedestrian hit by a self-driving Uber vehicle in Arizona this week could offer a test of who can be held...

Argo Group acquisisce l’italiana Ariscom

Argo Group International Holdings is the proud new owner of Italian specialty insurer Ariscom, giving it an efficient way to expand through Europe. Neither side...

Furto criptomonete: Coincheck comincerà a risarcire 260.000 vittime

Coincheck Inc. said it will start compensating users who had their cryptocurrency stolen beginning as soon as next week, as the Japanese exchange seeks...

Cigna acquista Express Scripts per $52 mld

U.S. health insurer Cigna Corp. struck a $52-billion deal to buy pharmacy benefits manager (PBM) Express Scripts Holding Co on Thursday, looking for new...

Axa in trattative per acquisire XL Group

Axa SA is in advanced talks to buy XL Group Ltd., a property and casualty insurer with a market value of $11 billion, people...

I droni rappresenteranno la crescita maggiore nell’aviation degli ultimi 50 anni

Now’s the time to get in on the ground floor of the business of insuring drones.That’s according to panel of experts speaking recently in...
assicurazioni cyber

Gli alti costi degli attacchi cyber per banche e assicurazioni

Cyberattacks cost financial-services firms more to address than any other industry and the rate of breaches in the industry has tripled over the past...

L’assicurazione non è l’unico settore a rischio disruption per le driverless car

The link between property and transport has been perhaps the most durable in human history.Since the ancients, few things have delivered higher land values...

Allianz e altri assicuratori interessati a XL Group

Bermuda-based insurer XL Group Ltd. is attracting interest from rivals including Allianz SE of Germany, according to people with knowledge of the matter.Interest from...

Gli assicuratori cominciano ad offrire copertura furto per le criptovalute

Major global insurers are starting to offer protection against cryptocurrency theft, willing to tackle daunting challenges it brings rather than miss out on this...

Chubb registra un solido IV trimestre nonostante le catastrofi

Chubb had a solid last quarter of 2017 and year even though challenged by wildfire and other catastrophe costs. Fourth quarter results were enhanced...
investimenti InsurTech

BIBA: le polizze telematiche crescono del 30% nel 2017 in UK

The number of live telematics-based policies reached almost one million – standing at 975,000 in 2017, according to the British Insurance Brokers’ Association (BIBA).The...

Aon: le catastrofi naturali assicurate nel 2017 pari al 38% dei danni economici ($...

Insured losses for last year’s 330 natural catastrophes reached US$134 billion, or 38 percent of their economic price tag of $353 billion, according to...

Aon Benfield: il capitale alternativo risponde alle catastrofi 2017 con una dimostrazione di forza

Hurricanes Harvey, Irma and Maria represented the first real test of the staying power of the alternative capital sector, which has responded with a...

Gli automobilisti non scompariranno tanto presto

Carmakers and tech companies have fallen over one another in recent weeks to show the strides they’ve made with self-driving cars. At CES —...

Verisk: Catastrophe Bond record di emissioni nel 2017 a 10,5 mld $

Catastrophe bond issuance surpassed $10.5 billion in 2017 – a new record, according to the latest report from the Property Claims Services Unit of...

Swiss Re: i danni assicurati da catastrofe globali raggiungeranno i $ 136 mld nel...

Swiss Re AG estimates that global insured losses from catastrophes in 2017 will hit $136 billion, the third-highest on record for the sector, with...
Munich Re

Munich Re sale al 51% in Global Aerospace

Global Aerospace, the London-based provider of aerospace insurance, announced that Munich Re has agreed to purchase an additional 11 percent of the shares in...

Perils: le stime per i danni assicurati causati dalla tempesta Herwart a $ 337.3...

The initial insured property loss estimate for Extratropical Cyclone Herwart, which hit Austria and Germany on Oct. 29, 2017, is €252 million ($337.3 million),...

Cyber Criminali rubano $64 mln di Bitcoin da NiceHash

A Slovenian cryptocurrency mining marketplace, NiceHash, said it lost about $64 million worth of bitcoin in a hack of its payment system, the latest...

Swiss Re acquista 1,1 mln di polizze vita per 873,6 mln $ da...

Swiss Re has agreed to purchase 1.1 million life insurance policies from UK insurer Legal & General Group (L&G) for £650 million ($873.6 million).These...

CVS vuole comprare Aetna per $67.5 mld

CVS Health Corp. will buy Aetna Inc. for about $67.5 billion, creating a healthcare giant that will have a hand in everything from insurance...

Chubb si attende $320 mln di perdite nel 4° trimestre dalle catastrofi

Chubb Limited reported a preliminary loss estimate for the fourth quarter from natural catastrophes, including the California wildfires, of approximately $320 million pre-tax, or...

Chubb: partnership con la leader P&C cinese PICC

Giant insurer Chubb Limited has entered into a 10-year strategic cooperation agreement with PICC Property & Casualty Company of China that will provide PICC’s...

Gli esperti prevedono un’espansione dell’assicurazione parametrica

Catastrophic losses this year due to extreme weather events have led to a growing interest in parametric insurance in the U.S., according to industry...

A.M. Best: le perdite legate agli uragani e terremoti tra 20-25 mld $ per...

Cumulative net catastrophe losses for reinsurance companies from Hurricanes Harvey, Irma and Maria, along with the Mexico earthquakes, are between $20 billion-$25 billion out...

USA: Clearsurance, nonostante le catastrofi le persone non assicurano la casa

A recent online survey of 1,000 U.S. individuals uncovered that the majority (87 percent) are concerned about a natural disaster striking their area but...

Possibili risarcimenti per 1 mld $ per la sparatoria di Las Vegas

The deadliest mass shooting in modern U.S. history is adding to soaring costs for insurance companies, which are already taking a beating this year...
cyber minacce

Europol: 4.000 attacchi ransom al giorno nel settore finanziario

The “remorseless” growth of cyber crime is leading to 4,000 ransom attacks a day and gangs’ technological capability now threatens critical parts of the...

Hannover Re vende il portafoglio azionario per 953 mln per pagare i danni da...

For Hannover Re, the world’s third-biggest reinsurer, it’s time to take profits in the stock market.The German company said on Wednesday that it sold...

Aon: crescono del 6% i ricavi del III trimestre a $2.2 mld

Aon reported third quarter revenue of $2.3 billion, an increase of 6 percent from the $2.2 billion reported for the same period last year.This...

I ricavi totali di Marsh & McLennan crescono del 7% nel III trimestre

Global insurance and risk services firm Marsh & McLennan Companies reported financial results for the third quarter that include $3.3 billion in consolidated revenue,...

XL Group riporta perdite per oltre $1 mld legate agli uragani nel III trimestre

XL Group reported losses exceeding $1 billion for the 2017 third quarter, blaming Hurricanes Harvey, Irma and Maria for the results.The net loss of...

USA: il Senato si aspetta di superare i $36.5 mln di aiuti inclusi i...

The Senate is pushing ahead on a $36.5 billion hurricane relief package that would give Puerto Rico a much-needed infusion of cash.The measure also...
polizze cyber

Cyber sicurezza: i sistemi wi-fi sono vulnerabili agli attacchi hacker

Cyber security watchdogs and researchers are issuing warnings over risks associated with a widely used system for securing Wi-Fi communications after the discovery of...
cambiamento climatico

S&P si attende un lieve aumento delle tariffe di riassicurazione a gennaio

A trio of third-quarter hurricanes and continued catastrophe losses impacting insurers and reinsurers will have a greater impact on reinsurers—and may potentially fuel reinsurance...

XL Group stima in 1,48 mld $ i costi per le catastrofi nel III...

XL Group Ltd. announced its preliminary estimate of net losses of approximately $1.48 billion from third quarter natural catastrophes.Included within that figure is $1.33...

Uragano Nate, stimati 2,5 mln $ di danni nel Golfo del Messico

Oil companies were heading back into the Gulf of Mexico and working to restore operations after Hurricane Nate fizzled out over the U.S. South...

Audizione in Senato per il CEO di Wells Fargo, scandalo sui conti e assicurazione...

Wells Fargo & Co. CEO Tim Sloan will be questioned about sales practices, mischarging customers for auto insurance, and complaints about mortgage fees at...

A.M. Best: i riassicuratori globali sosterranno una parte significativa dei danni dell’uragano Maria

Ratings agency A.M. Best said it expects a significant share of the loss from Hurricane Maria to pass on to the global reinsurers evenly.The...

AIR: danni assicurati per l’uragano Maria stimati a $40-$85 mld

Industry insured losses for Hurricane Maria in the Caribbean will be between US$40 billion and US$85 billion, according to catastrophe modeling firm AIR Worldwide.Puerto...

Morgan Stanley: i riassicuratori esposti al terremoto di Mexico City

Global reinsurers will likely face exposures from a massive magnitude 7.1 earthquake that struck Mexico City on Sept. 19, Morgan Stanley said in a...

Report Rutgers: gli USA hanno bisogno di una protezione migliore per i consumatori nelle...

As homeowners continue to file insurance claims in the wake of Hurricanes Harvey and Irma, a research report released by the Rutgers Center for...

Uragani Usa: le aziende sperano nel risarcimento per i danni da interruzione di attività

Business owners who are trying to get back on track after hurricanes Harvey and Irma now face a different sort of challenge: trying to...
assicurazioni cyber

La Federal Trade Commission e il Congresso USA investigano sulla violazione dei dati in...

The U.S. Federal Trade Commission and a powerful Congressional committee are investigating the data breach at Equifax Inc., deepening government scrutiny of the cyber...

Gli uragani al centro delle discussioni Rendezvous di Monte Carlo

As Hurricane Irma battered Florida on Sunday, the cream of the insurance world — gathered under the Mediterranean sun in Monte Carlo — was...

Tokio Marine vuole stabilirsi in Lussemburgo in vista della Brexit

Tokio Marine Group announced that it is seeking regulatory approval to establish an insurance company in Luxembourg, to be prepared for Brexit.Through several of...

Le tariffe riassicurative dovrebbero calare fino al 7,5% nonostante Harvey

Global reinsurance rates are likely to fall by up to 7.5 percent at Jan 2018 renewals due to strong competition, despite the impact of...

Le robot-car nel traffico di Berlino come nervosi teen ager a scuola guida

On a test route in Berlin traffic, an experimental Jeep Grand Cherokee slams on its brakes every few hundred yards, like a nervous teenager...

USA: gli assicuratori inviano flotte di droni per accelerare i risarcimenti per Harvey

Fleets of commercial drones are primed to hover over the destruction from Tropical Storm Harvey in an unprecedented test of unmanned aircraft’s ability to...

USA: perdita sottoscrittiva di 5,1 mld $ nel I semestre per le compagnie P/C

The U.S. property/casualty (P/C) industry recorded a net underwriting loss of $5.1 billion for the first six months of 2017, according to preliminary results,...

Uragano Havey: i danni assicurati potrebbero eguagliare quelli di Katrina

Flood damage in Texas from Hurricane Harvey may equal that from 2005’s Hurricane Katrina, the costliest natural disaster in U.S. history, said an insurance...

Come l’uragano Harvey sta impattando sui cat bond

Bonds tied to weather risks tumbled the most in seven months as Hurricane Harvey advanced on Texas’s Gulf Coast.The Swiss Re Cat Bond Price...

Gli utili di QBE crescono del 73% nel I semestre

QBE reported a healthy profit hike during first half of 2017, despite heightened claims activity in its Emerging Markets’ division, which reported a combined...
rischi informatici

5 ragioni per cui la cyber security non funziona e cosa possono fare gli...

Businesses are spending a small fortune on cyber security but what they are doing is not working very well, according to a cyber security...

In crescita il II trimestre di AIG

Expense savings and strong results in its consumer insurance business were the highlights of the second quarter for American International Group Inc.After-tax operating income...

Compare.com è la prova che la disruption non avviene all’improvviso

Disrupting an industry that has been doing things the same way for a generation takes time. Take it from one major insurance disruptor –...

Altre contee potrebbero essere senza Obamacare nel 2018

With Republican efforts to dismantle Obamacare in disarray, hundreds of U.S. counties are at risk of losing access to private health coverage in 2018...

Marsh & McLennan: ricavi in crescita nel II trimestre

Marsh & McLennan Companies reported revenue increases across all of its four operating units, along with margin expansion in insurance and consulting businesses, in...

I risarcimenti per i danni del G20 in Germania potrebbero raggiungere i $ 13.8...

A group representing German insurers says the rioting that accompanied the Group of 20 summit earlier this month could cost insurance companies up to...

Willis Re: il contesto di soft market inizia a colpire i bilanci, tendenza al...

Despite the deterioration many reinsurers saw in the first quarter, mid-year renewals continued their downward pricing trajectory, according to Willis Re in a recent...

Aon: le catastrofi di giugno costano globalmente 5 mld $

Floods and storms cost the global economy more than $5 billion in June, with most of those losses generated in the United States, according...
cambiamento climatico

S&P: l’aumento delle perdite nei rami danni sarà trainato dall’auto nel 2017

Private auto net incurred losses will increase by nearly 7 percent in 2017 to a new record of approximately $154 billion, reflecting elevated volume...
assicurazioni cyber

Un nuovo attacco stile ‘WannaCry’ si sta espandendo nel mondo

A new cyberattack similar to WannaCry is spreading from Europe to the U.S. and South America, hitting port operators in New York, Rotterdam and...

Anthem paga 115 mln $ per il furto di dati

Anthem Inc., the largest U.S. health insurance company, has agreed to settle litigation over hacking in 2015 that compromised about 79 million people’s personal...

Rocket Ship, macchina volante o auto senza pilota? Indovina cosa gli americani temono di...

If the future were now, American travelers would feel safer on a rocket to space than being a passenger in a self-driving or autonomous...

La Startup Decisely: Insurtech ‘per Brokers, dai Brokers’

Some see insurtech as the enemy. Others see it as a sign of things to come.Then there’s EPIC Insurance Brokers & Consultants, which is...

Protezionismo, Cloud Accumulazione, Water Stress tra i 20 rischi emergenti per le assicurazioni

Reduced market access, regulatory fragmentation, the return of inflation and cloud risk accumulation pose the largest challenges with the highest downside risk potential in...

Le navi da carico autonome rivoluzioneranno il settore shipping

BHP Billiton Ltd., the world’s biggest mining company, is studying the introduction of giant, automated cargo ships to carry everything from iron ore to...

In arrivo: auto parlante che dice se il guidatore sta per avere un’emergenza medica

A driver experiencing an unexpected cardiac event on the road isn’t the only one at risk.Fellow passengers and motorists also face death or serious...

Lanciata InsurLab Germany a Colonia per promuovere l’innovazione Insurtech

InsurLab Germany, a digital hub for the insurance and reinsurance industry, has been launched in Cologne to promote digital innovation in the industry.There are...
cyber risk

Perché il 27% delle aziende USA non ha in progetto un’assicurazione cyber

A full 50 percent of U.S. firms do not have cyber risk insurance and 27 percent of U.S. executives say their firms have no...

Munich Re, Aviva Ventures investono in Neos

Neos, a UK connected home insurer, announced last week it has secured a £5 million (roughly $6.4 million) series A investment led by Aviva...

AmTrust: iniezione di capitale per 300 mln $ dalla famiglia del CEO

AmTrust Financial Services Inc., the provider of workers’ compensation insurance, surged in New York trading after members of the chief executive officer’s family agreed...

Legal & General sceglie Dublino come base post-Brexit per alcune operazioni

British insurer Legal & General said it will move some of its investment management operations to Ireland to ensure it can continue to serve...

USA: il settore P/C in perdita nel I trimestre

The U.S. property/casualty industry posted a first-quarter 2017 net underwriting loss of $841.5 million, according to preliminary financial results, continuing the industry’s underwriting loss...

Toyota, MIT Lab Eye usa la Blockchain nel rating assicurativo delle auto a guida...

The Toyota Research Institute (TRI) is exploring blockchain and distributed ledger technology (BC/DL) for use in the development of driverless cars. TRI is collaborating...

Come i veicoli autonomi faranno crescere l’assicurazione auto prima di farla calare

Insurance coverage for autonomous vehicles will bring $81 billion in new premiums to the insurance industry over the next eight years, according to a...

L’uso attuale e le promesse della Blockchain

Twenty years ago, people who thought that the Internet would completely transform business processes would have been right, but they could also have lost...

Molte compagnie non americane non assicurate contro i recenti attacchi cyber

Many companies outside the United States may not have cover for a recent computer-system attack, leaving them potentially with millions of dollars of losses...
assicurazioni cyber

L’attacco Ransomware agli ospedali UK parte di unl cyber attacco globale

Extortionist hackers who may be using leaked computer exploits from the U.S. National Security Agency infiltrated computers in dozens of countries in a fast-spreading...
rischi informatici

L’alto profilo degli attacchi cyber fa crescere la richiesta di assicurazioni

For companies and organizations, an attack by hackers can inflict financial losses, corporate embarrassment and legal action. For insurers jumping into the brave new...

EY: più del 25% delle imprese finanziarie UK fanno progetti di spostare sede in...

More than a quarter of major U.K. financial services firms have said they will move staff or operations abroad, or are reviewing their domicile...

La tecnologia renderà l’assicurazione obsoleta?

“Will technology make insurance obsolete?”That was the stark question posed by William Hartnett, a former Microsoft and ACORD executive, in his opening address to...

Le perdite assicurative affossano l’utile di Berkshire Hathaway

Berkshire Hathaway Inc , the conglomerate run by billionaire investor Warren Buffett, reported a 27 percent decline in first-quarter profit on Friday, and said...

Risultato operativo migliore del previsto per Aig nel I trimestre

American International Group Inc., one of the largest U.S. insurers, reported better-than-expected first-quarter operating profit on Wednesday, helped by investment returns and cost cuts.AIG...

QBE sposterà la sede in Europa dopo la Brexit

QBE Insurance Group will move its European base from London to the continent because of uncertainty in accessing the European market after Brexit, the...

In calo a $ 283 milioni gli investimenti mondiali in Insurtech nel I trimestre

Total insurtech funding in the first quarter of 2017 was down, but the drop-off could be a result of the significant investments in 2016...

Marsh registra 5% di crescita nel primo trimestre

Marsh & McLennan Companies Inc. (MMC) reported financial results for the first quarter ended March 31, including 5 percent revenue growth at Marsh and...

Tesla affronta la sua prima class auction sulla pericolosità dell’autopilota

Tesla Inc. is facing its first legal challenge over self-driving technology in a case alleging the electric carmaker sold 47,000 vehicles with Autopilot software...

Aon, JLT, Marsh e Willis sotto investigazione da parte dell’ente di controllo britannico

Aon, JLT, Marsh, Willis Investigated by UK Regulator Probing Aviation BrokingBritain’s financial watchdog is investigating four large insurance brokers over information-sharing on aviation insurance,...
cyber risk

Munich Re sarà partner di Beazley per fornire una copertura avanzata per i grandi...

Munich Re, Beazley Partner to Provide Enhanced Cover for Large Cyber RisksBuilding on their existing collaboration, Beazley and Munich Re’s Corporate Insurance Partner announced...

Allianz: la tecnologia del futuro creerà meno richieste di risarcimento ma più minacce

Future Tech to Create Lower Claims Frequency, New Threats: Allianz ReportTechnology is expected to be a major driver of liability claims in the years...

L’azienda cinese Baidu Inc. progetta per luglio il lancio della tecnologia per le auto...

China’s Baidu Plans July Launch of Self-Driving Car TechnologyBaidu Inc. said on Tuesday it would launch its self-driving car technology for restricted environment in...

Giappone: gli hacker prendono di mira i giocatori on line per accedere ai dati...

Hackers Target Japan’s Mobile Gamers to Access Their Employers’ DataGamers beware: hackers offering free virtual trinkets don’t care about your passwords or personal data,...

Gli assicuratori dell’Obamacare lottano per impostare nuovi programmi

Obamacare Insurers Struggle to Set Plans Amid Threats to ProgramObamacare is stuck in limbo, and insurers and state regulators are struggling to set their...

Worldwide Broker Network (WBN) aggiunge membri in Germania e Croazia

Worldwide Broker Network Adds Members in Germany, CroatiaWorldwide Broker Network (WBN)* announced the addition of two members in Germany and Croatia, bringing the network...

Trump potrebbe negare i pagamenti alle assicurazioni sanitarie per obbligare i democratici a negoziare...

Trump May Withhold Insurers’ Funds to Force Democrats to Negotiate HealthcareU.S. President Donald Trump told The Wall Street Journal on Wednesday that he might...

Il ciclone Zeus, che ha colpito l’Europa a marzo, costerà circa 192 milioni di...

Insured Losses for Europe’s Storm Zeus Estimated at US$200M: PERILSThe initial estimate of insured property market losses for extratropical cyclone Zeus, which mainly hit...

Rischio politico: una preoccupazione crescente secondo broker e assicuratori

Political Risk a Growing Concern, Say Brokers, InsurersEvan Freely has been insuring global risks for years — through the 2008 market meltdown, the 2002...

Le frodi informatiche danneggiano i prezzi azionari, specialmente delle finanziarie

Cyber Breaches Permanently Hit Share Prices, Especially Financials: StudyCyber security breaches erode companies’ share prices permanently, with financials the worst hit, a study issued...

I costi assicurativi per il tifone Egon salgono a 234 milioni di euro

Insurance Costs for Windstorm Egon Rise to €234M ($243M): PERILSThe revised estimate of property insurance losses for Windstorm Egon, which hit France and Germany...

In Cina, Starbuck prevede la copertura sanitaria per i genitori dei lavoratori

Starbucks in China Provides Health Cover for Workers’ ParentsStarbucks Corp. will provide Chinese workers with health insurance that extends coverage to their parents, a...

Privacy degli automobilisti a rischio a causa dei dati salvati nel Cloud dagli apparecchi...

Driver Privacy at Risk when Telematics Data Stored in the Cloud: ResearchersDrivers’ private information can be compromised when stored in the cloud for usage-based...

Nonostante la Brexit, l’Unione Europea dovrà pagare 60 milioni di euro alla Gran Bretagna...

EU to Pay €60M to Britain for Repair of 2015-16 Flood Damage – Despite BrexitBritain will get 60 million euros (51.3 million pounds) from...

Il rapporto della polizia sull’incidente dell’auto automatica Uber racconta una storia complessa

A recent crash involving an Uber Technologies Inc. driverless car suggests autonomous software sometimes takes the same risks as the humans it may one...

Bruxelles o Lussemburgo nella shortlist dei Lloyd’s dopo la Brexit

Lloyd’s of London, the world’s largest specialty insurance market, will this week pick Brussels or Luxembourg for its planned European Union subsidiary, after Dublin...
Ping An

Ping An vuole investire $100 mln all’anno in Giappone per diversificare

Ping An Insurance (Group) Co. plans to invest $100 million a year in Japanese companies as it seeks to diversify its investments outside of...

PwC: i robot potrebbero sostituire il 32% dei posti di lavoro nella finanza entro...

Approximately 32 percent of existing UK jobs in financial services and insurance could be automated by robotics and artificial intelligence (AI) over the next...

A.M. Best: cresce l’acquisto di riassicurazione in Europa ma la domanda di copertura rallenta

The 20 largest European cedants have continued to buy more reinsurance as soft market conditions prevail, although the pace at which retention ratios are...

Fitch: l’impiego diffuso di auto automatiche trasformerà la RCA spostando la responsabilità verso il...

Widespread use of autonomous vehicles will completely transform the motor insurance sector over the long term when liability begins to shift towards manufacturers and...

L’obesità raggiunge livelli pandemici: report di Aetna

Urgent action is required to limit the global fallout from rising obesity levels, according to a report published by health insurance provider Aetna International.Aetna...

AIG vuole lanciare una compagnia con sede in Lussenburgo nel 2019 in vista della...

American International Group Inc. plans to locate an insurance company in Luxembourg to ensure continued smooth operation of its business across the European Economic...

Accenture: gli investimenti cinesi in Fintech potrebbero superare nel 2017 il record 2016 di...

Chinese financial-technology investments this year may exceed 2016’s record $10 billion as companies continue to raise funds for expansion and big banks grow their...

La China Insurance Regulatory Commission riflette su regole più soft per le grandi fusioni...

China’s insurance regulator is considering an industry shake-up that could see the biggest and most solvent firms resuming an overseas expansion, while smaller, riskier...

State Farm ha perso 7 mld $ nell’auto nel 2016

State Farm joined the ranks of property/casualty insurers reporting challenges in their auto insurance line of business. State Farm said it lost $7...

Berkshire Hathaway continua a crescere nell’assicurazione nonostante auto e riassicurazione

Even though Berkshire Hathaway’s GEICO chalked up an underwriting loss in the fourth-quarter 2016, with full-year profit coming in basically even with 2015, the...

Continuano a crescere le violazioni segnalate sui droni in volo (IJ)

Reports of drone safety violations continued to increase during 2016. There were 1,274 reports from February through September last year, compared with 874...

KPGM: gli investimenti in Insurtech verso il boom nel 2017

Investor interest in insurtech is expected “to remain hot across all regions of the world” during 2017, following a strong growth in 2016, according...

Willis Towers Watson punta ad acquisire il Broker francese OAAGC

Willis Towers Watson has entered into exclusive negotiations with OAAGC, the French aviation brokerage, to acquire its team and book of business.Paris-based OAAGC (Office...
assicurazioni cyber

Gli attacchi cyber rimangono la principale preoccupazione per le aziende

The threat of cyber attacks and political instability resulting from rising populism are among the biggest worries for businesses around the world, according to...

17 mln di case USA per un valore di 4.9 trilioni $ sono in...

Millions of homes and condominiums across the country are in high danger zones for environmental hazards.According to the Environmental Hazards Housing Risk Index, produced...

I morti in incidenti stradali crescono del 6% negli USA nel 2016 a 40.000

U.S. motor vehicle accident deaths last year topped 40,000 for the first time since 2007 as cheap gasoline and a healthy economy encouraged motorists...

Greenberg patteggia: fine della lunga battaglia legale

Ex- American International Group Inc. Chief Executive Officer Maurice “Hank” Greenberg admitted to taking part in two deals to make the insurer’s financial condition...

AON: le catastrofi negli USA a gennaio costano circa 1 mld $ (Insurance Journal)

Major weather and flood events in the U.S. during January will cost the insurance industry more than $1 billion as tornadoes hit a 17-year...

La class action negli USA costa alla BMW $478 mln (Insurance Journal)

German automaker BMW AG has agreed to pay up to $477.7 million to settle a class-action lawsuit covering about 318,000 U.S. luxury car owners...

Trump: la sostituzione dell’Obamacare potrebbe non avvenire prima del 2018 (IJ)

President Donald Trump said the process for coming up with a replacement for the Affordable Care Act could stretch into 2018, a longer time...

I premi auto raggiungono il record nel 4° trimestre in UK (IJ)

UK motor insurance premiums hit their highest recorded levels in the fourth quarter of 2016 and rose more than five times the rate of...

I solidi risultati si Chubb riflettono i benefici della fusione (IJ)

Chubb Limited CEO and Chairman Evan G Greenberg said that the company’s 2016 financial results have reflected the benefits of the nearly $30 billion...

RSA Insurance investe nella Fintech Pitpatpet

RSA Insurance has made its first external investment in a fintech company, Pitpatpet Ltd., the Cambridge, England-based creator of the PitPat dog activity monitor...

Marsh: le prospettive per la D&O nel 2017

Directors and officers liability policies are likely become broader and continue getting cheaper in 2017 – among the likely trends expected for the financial...

Mega fusione Aetna-Humana bloccata dal giudice

Aetna Inc.’s $37 billion deal to buy rival insurer Humana Inc. was blocked by a federal judge, thwarting one of two large mergers that...

Nessuna colpa per Tesla nell’incidente secondo gli investigatori

The push to bring self-driving cars to American roads got a significant boost on Thursday when the nation’s chief auto safety regulator essentially cleared...

Zurich taglia i costi nella tecnologia

Zurich Insurance Group AG, Switzerland’s biggest insurer, plans to cut spending on large technology projects as it seeks to reduce costs, according to chief...

Aon Benfield Cat Report: il 26% dei danni economici da disastri naturali era assicurato...

Overall, just 26 percent ($54 billion) of overall economic losses caused by natural disasters worldwide during 2016 were covered by insurance as a higher...

Trump dice di avere un piano per un’assicurazione per tutti per sostituire l’Obamacare

U.S. President-elect Donald Trump aims to replace Obamacare with a plan that would envisage “insurance for everybody,” he said in an interview with the...

USA e UE raggiungono un accordo sulla regolamentazione assicurativa

United States and European Union negotiators say they have reached an agreement on reinsurance and insurance regulation. The agreement covers three areas of insurance...

Aon Benfield: la capacità supera ancora la crescita della domanda riassicurativa

Capacity continues to outpace the growth of reinsurance demand despite insurers’ continued efforts to optimize their view of reinsurance as capital and expand into...

Nel 2016 record di catastrofi naturali in Canada per 3,7 mld $

Insured damages from Canadian natural catastrophes during 2016 topped C$4.9 billion (US$3.7 billion) – smashing the previous annual record of C$3.2 billion (US$2.4 billion)...

Willis Re: i riassicuratori devono aspettarsi un altro anno difficile

Despite a 50 percent increase in insured losses from natural catastrophes during 2016, the global reinsurance industry achieved profitable results for the third quarter...

A.M. Best: il trend di M&A in Cin prosegue

While Chinese companies have been increasing their overseas merger and acquisition (M&A) activity in recent years, there are signs that growth could slow in...

NN Group vuole acquistare Delta Lloyd per $2.6 mld

NN Group NV agreed to buy Delta Lloyd NV for about 2.5 billion euros ($2.6 billion) after its earlier offer for the Dutch insurer...

Incidente del drone in Arizona: gli investigatori americani danno la colpa al Pilota...

The wing on Facebook Inc.’s experimental high-altitude drone broke last summer in Arizona after the massive aircraft hit an updraft and its autopilot overcompensated...

Yahoo: scoperto secondo mega attacco cyber a oltre 1 mld di utenti

Yahoo Inc. warned on Wednesday that it had uncovered yet another massive cyber attack, saying data from more than 1 billion user accounts was...

Kaiser: 52 mln di americani di età inferiore ai 65 anni hanno condizioni...

A new Kaiser Family Foundation study finds that 52 million adults under 65 – or 27 percent of that population — have pre-existing health...

A.M. Best: le tariffe riassicurative potrebbero crescere ma l’outlook rimane negativo

The outlook for the reinsurance sector is being held at negative by A.M. Best, which cited continuing market challenges that will hinder the potential...
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